2023-2024 - International Economics (16762) - Materials and items
Last update: Thursday, 05 September 2024, 08:22:45
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- International macroeconomics - lecture notes
[↑] [top]
- 01 Balance of payments [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BOP: CA + KA + EO = FA (identity used until January 2022: CA + KA + FA + EO = 0)
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP structure
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $Y^E$ = GNE, $Y^P$ = GDP, GNI, $Y$ = GNDI
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: C, I, G, TB, NFIA, NUT, CA
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $\CA = s^\To - I$
- 02 Gains from globalization [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Sum of geometric series - $\sum_{i=0}^\m a^i = \frac{1-a^{m+1}}{1-a}$
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Sum of geometric series - $\sum_{i=0}^\infty a^i = \frac{1}{1-a}$
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Gains from globalization
- 04 Basic financial concepts [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Return versus risk (asset price adjustments)
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Cumulative return, rule of 72
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Assets - risk and return
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: International investment
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Long and short positions
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Risk diversification
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Leverage
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Leverage - mortgage example
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Leverage coefficient
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Logarithmic function
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- 05 Monetary models of exchange rate determination [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Money creation
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Maastricht criteria
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Money multiplier
- 08 The currency flow model [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: CA in Japan
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $z = e + b + m + b_{CB}$
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $\FA = \Delta z^{HF}$ (identity used until January 2022: $\FA = - \Delta z^{HF}$)
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $\CA = \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$ (identity used until January 2022: $\CA = - \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$, note the minus sign)
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - net money inflow under flexible and fixed exchange rates, managed float
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 1
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 2
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 3
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 4
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 5
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 6
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 7
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 8
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 9
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 10
- [The nominal exchange rate - A unified currency flow model]: NER determination (traditional and currency flow approaches)
- [The nominal exchange rate - A unified currency flow model]: Monetary model and currency flow model combined
- [The nominal exchange rate - A unified currency flow model]: --- Exchange rate models: 2013-2014-4
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises
- 09 Case studies [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: s^T = I + \Delta z^{HF} - risks of capital inflows and capital outflows
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- 10 The open economy [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Mundell-Fleming model - $\CA(Y^\Ho, Y^\Fo, q)
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Mundell-Fleming model - $\CA^\Ho = Y^\Ho - C^\Ho = (1-\alpha^\Ho) C^\Ho + \alpha^\Fo C^\Fo - C^\Ho = \alpha^\Fo C^\Fo - \alpha^\Ho C^\Ho$
- Monetary models of exchange rate determination [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Money supply and money demand
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model - one period
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model - two or more periods
- [Omitted topics - The monetary model with fixed prices (exchange rate overshooting)]: Monetary model with fixed prices
- International macroeconomics - additional lecture notes
[↑] [top]
- Balassa Samuelson effect [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - Purchasing power parity]: Balassa-Samuelson effect
- [The real exchange rate - Purchasing power parity]: Balassa-Samuelson effect - the role of traded and non-traded good prices (Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis)
- [The real exchange rate - Purchasing power parity]: Balassa-Samuelson effect - the role of currency market pressure
- Bond prices [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: $\frac{1+x}{1+y} \approx 1+x-y$
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Bond price determination
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Present discounted value (PDV)
- Currency flow model [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Equity and debt finance [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Equity versus debt finance
- Log-differencing [↑] [top]
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Log-differencing
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Interpreting regression coefficients
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Log-differencing
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Logarithmic function
- Logarithm to base b [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Logarithm to base b
- Mathematical concepts [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: $ln(1+a) \approx a$
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: $e^a \approx 1+a$
- Optimization [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Lagrange multiplier method
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Lagrange method - mathematical formulation
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Value function
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Interpretation of the Lagrange multiplier
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach - Lagrange method
- Over- and undervaluation of the nominal exchange
rate [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: int_macro_ps - question 4 - Big Mac index
- Share prices [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Return on shares
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Share price as PDV of dividends, $\frac{1+R}{R-g}$
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Present discounted value (PDV)
- Volatilities of national income components [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Volatilities of consumption, investment and government spending at different horizons
- Wealth [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Balance sheets of different agents (see "International macroeconomics - collection of balance sheets and economic formulas")
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Money creation
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Leverage
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Money creation - open market operations, money supply, bond demand, bond price, bond return, interest rate
- International macroeconomics - problem set
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BOP: CA + KA + EO = FA (identity used until January 2022: CA + KA + FA + EO = 0)
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP structure
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transaction - purchase of a house
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $Y^E$ = GNE, $Y^P$ = GDP, GNI, $Y$ = GNDI
- Question 2 a [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- Question 2 b [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transaction - purchase of a house
- Question 2 c [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: int_macro_ps - question 2 c - Intertemporal approach with investment
- Question 2 d [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: int_macro_ps - question 2 d - Intertemporal approach with $\beta$ and $R$
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: int_macro_ps - question 3 - International investment - modern portfolio theory
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: int_macro_ps - question 4 - Big Mac index
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- International trade - lecture notes
[↑] [top]
- Gravity model [↑] [top]
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Log-differencing
- [↑] [top]
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Gravitiy model
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Logarithmic function
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Interpreting regression coefficients
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Border effect
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Border effect
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: PPF
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Competitive salary
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Utility functions, marginal utility and indifference curves
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Utility functions, marginal utility and indifference curves
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Benefits from trade - numerical examples
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Gains from trade: PPF, budget constraint and exchange
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Ricardian model - PPF and ConsPF (= budget constraint)
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Ricardian model with diagram
- [Resources, comparative advantage and income distribution - Resources, comparative advantage and income distribution]: ---
- [Trade, growth and international transfers - Trade, growth and international transfers]: ---
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - introduction
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Monopoly
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Monopolistic competition
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - model
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Graph - AC, P vs. N
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Internal economies of scale - benefits of trade
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - numerical example
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Dumping
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: External economies of scale
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Krugman and Obstfeld, International economics, chapter 6, questions 4
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Krugman and Obstfeld, International economics, chapter 6, questions 4
- [International factor movements - International factor movements]: Migration
- [The instruments of trade policy - The instruments of trade policy]: ---
- International trade - problem set
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Krugman and Obstfeld, International economics, chapter 2, question 1
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Krugman and Obstfeld, International economics, chapter 2, question 2
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Krugman and Obstfeld, International economics, chapter 2, question 3
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Krugman and Obstfeld, International economics, chapter 2, question 4
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Krugman and Obstfeld, International economics, chapter 2, question 5
- Question 6 [↑] [top]
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Krugman and Obstfeld, International economics, chapter 6, questions 4
- Feenstra, Taylor - International Economics
[↑] [top]
- F 12-03 - Currency crashes.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- F 12-04 - Global imbalances.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Current account data
- F 12-05 - External wealth.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Empirical data - CA, w, K, z^{HF}
- F 12-07 - Financial globalization.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $\FA = \Delta z^{HF}$ (identity used until January 2022: $\FA = - \Delta z^{HF}$)
- F 13-04 - Exchange rate regimes.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Exchange rate regimes - Classification of exchange rate regimes]: Exchange rate regimes
- F 13-09 - Covered Interest Parity Arbitrage.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Covered interest parity (CIP)
- F 14-03 - Exchange rates and relative prices.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currencies' purchasing powers]: Nominal exchange rate - model based on currencies' purchasing powers ("basic NER model")
- F 14-07 - Inflation and money growth.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- F 14-08 - Money growth and depreciation.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- F 14-09 - PPP during hyperinflations.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- F 14-12 - Inflation and nominal interest rates.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Fisher effect
- F 14-13 - Real interest rate differentials.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real interest rate - $r_t = R_t - \pi_{t+1}$
- F 16-05 - US GNE and components, 1990-2006.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $Y^E$ = GNE, $Y^P$ = GDP, GNI, $Y$ = GNDI
- F 16-06 - US current account and components, 1990-2006.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- F 16-07 - Saving, investment and current accounts in industrial countries.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $\CA = s^\To - I$
- F 16-08 - Private and public savings in industrial countries.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: D <= 60\%, BD <= 3\%
- F 16-09 - Global imbalances.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $\CA = s^\To - I$
- F 16-11 - Finland-s external wealth, 1991-2003.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- F 17-03 - Sovereign ratings and public debt levels.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Assets - risk and return
- F 17-06 - The oil boom in Norway.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $\CA = s^\To - I$
- F 18-04 - US real exchange rate and trade balance, 1975-2006.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 5
- F 19-01 - Exchange rate regimes of the world, 1870-2000.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Exchange rate regimes - Classification of exchange rate regimes]: Exchange rate regimes
- F 19-09 - Foreign currency denominated debt and the costs of crises.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- F 20-01 - Currency crashes.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- F 20-02 - The economic costs of crises.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- F 20-03 - The political costs of crises.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- F 20-06 - Interest rate spreads - currency and country premiums.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Nominal exchange rate country risk premium, currency risk premium
- F 20-11 - Reserve accumulation, 1997-2005.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- F 20-15 - A crisis in Peru.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- F 21-09 - Breaking of fiscal rules in 2005.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: D <= 60\%, BD <= 3\%
- F 22-02 - Price levels in rich and poor countries.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: PPP
- [The real exchange rate - Purchasing power parity]: Empirical evidence on purchasing power parity (PPP puzzle)
- [The real exchange rate - Purchasing power parity]: Balassa-Samuelson effect
- F 22-03 - Predicted real exchange rate adjustments in emerging markets.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- F 22-04 - Carry trades.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Carry trades
- F 22-06 - UIP and the efficient markets hypothesis.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- F 22-07 - Risk versus reward in the carry trade.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Carry trades
- F 22-08 - Emerging global imbalances.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- F 22-14 - Reserve accumulation and global imbalances.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- F 22-15 - The wealth effects of global imbalances.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Empirical data - CA, w, K, z^{HF}
- F 22-20 - Returns on emerging market debt, 1970s-2000s.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Assets - risk and return
- T 14-02 - Global disinflation.jpg [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - A unified currency flow model]: Monetary model and currency flow model combined
- T 19-01 - Inflation performances and exchange rate regimes.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Exchange rate regimes - Classification of exchange rate regimes]: Exchange rate regimes
- T 19-02 - External liabilities denominated in foreign currency.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Empirical data - CA, w, K, z^{HF}
- T 20-01 - Costly banking crises.jpg [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments crises - Preliminary concepts]: Financial crises - definition and examples
- Krugman, Paul R. and Maurice Obstfeld - International Economics [↑] [top]
- [↑] [top]
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Gravitiy model
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: PPF
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Competitive salary
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Benefits from trade - numerical examples
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Gains from trade: PPF, budget constraint and exchange
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Ricardian model - PPF and ConsPF (= budget constraint)
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Ricardian model with diagram
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - introduction
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Monopoly
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Monopolistic competition
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - model
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Graph - AC, P vs. N
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Internal economies of scale - benefits of trade
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - numerical example
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Dumping
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: External economies of scale
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Krugman and Obstfeld, International economics, chapter 6, questions 4
- [International factor movements - International factor movements]: Migration
- Articles and other research documents [↑] [top]
- Eleftheriou, Maria and Nikolas Müller-Plantenberg: The purchasing power parity fallacy - time to reconsider the PPP hypothesis
Figure 1 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - A unified currency flow model]: Contribution of price level difference and currency market pressure to nominal exchange rate changes at different horizons
- Eleftheriou, Maria and Nikolas Müller-Plantenberg: Price level convergence and purchasing power divergence
Figure 6 [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The purchasing power parity fallacy]: PPP fallacy - price level convergence and nominal exchange rate divergence
- Credit Suisse: Global Investment Returns Yearbook
[↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: 1900-2011: bonds - 1.6\%, shares - 5.5\%
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Return on equity and debt
- Credit Suisse: Global wealth report
[↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Domestic and foreign assets]: Wealth, real wealth and NFA - $w^\Ho = K^\Ho + z^{\Ho\Fo}$
- Eleftheriou, Maria and Nikolas Müller-Plantenberg: The purchasing power parity fallacy - time to reconsider the PPP hypothesis
[↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The purchasing power parity fallacy]: PPP fallacy - good market arbitrage does not contribute to real exchange rate convergence
- Engel, Charles and John H. Rogers: How wide is the border?
[↑] [top]
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Gravitiy model
- Müller-Plantenberg, Nikolas: Accounting for current account changes: what matters is spending, not income
[↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: int_macro_ps - question 2 b - Accounting for current account changes - variable expenditure approach
- Müller-Plantenberg, Nikolas: Boom-and-bust cycles - a collection of figures
[↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- Müller-Plantenberg, Nikolas: International macroeconomics - collection of balance sheets and economic formulas
[↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Balance sheets of different agents (see "International macroeconomics - collection of balance sheets and economic formulas")
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Commercial bank balance sheets
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Comm. bank - balance sheet transactions
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Central bank balance sheet
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Consolidated balance sheets of H and F (see "International macroeconomics - collection of balance sheets and economic formulas")
- Müller-Plantenberg, Nikolas: International macroeconomics - collection of balance sheets and economic formulas
[↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Money creation - open market operations, money supply, bond demand, bond price, bond return, interest rate
- Müller-Plantenberg: Balance of payments accounting and exchange rate dynamics
[↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach to the current account (simple model)
- Wikipedia articles
[↑] [top]
- Websites [↑] [top]
- Exam - 2006-2007 - International macroeconomics - 1
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 a [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- Question 1 b [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Nominal exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- Question 1 c [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - A unified currency flow model]: Monetary model and currency flow model combined
- Question 1 d [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The monetary model with fixed prices (exchange rate overshooting)]: Monetary model with fixed prices
- Question 1 e [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The portfolio balance model]: Portfolio balance model
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The Mundell-Fleming model]: Mundell-Fleming model
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 6
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- [Omitted topics - The monetary model with fixed prices (exchange rate overshooting)]: Monetary model with fixed prices
- Exam - 2006-2007 - International macroeconomics - 2
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 a [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises
- Question 1 b [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currencies' purchasing powers]: Nominal exchange rate - model based on currencies' purchasing powers ("basic NER model")
- Question 1 c [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - A unified currency flow model]: Monetary model and currency flow model combined
- Question 1 d [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Nominal exchange rate
- Question 1 e [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Covered interest parity (CIP)
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The Mundell-Fleming model]: Mundell-Fleming model
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 6
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model - two or more periods
- Exam - 2006-2007 - International trade
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - introduction
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: External economies of scale
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [International factor movements - International factor movements]: Migration
- Question 6 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Benefits from trade - numerical examples
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Ricardian model - PPF and ConsPF (= budget constraint)
- Exam - 2007-2008 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 (01) [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- Question 1 (02) [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Money supply and money demand
- Question 1 (03) [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The portfolio balance model]: Portfolio balance model
- Question 1 (04) [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: Real exchange rate
- Question 1 (05) [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Structural and reduced forms
- Question 1 (06) [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: $ln(1+a) \approx a$
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: $\frac{1+x}{1+y} \approx 1+x-y$
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $\CA = \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$ (identity used until January 2022: $\CA = - \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$, note the minus sign)
- Question 1 (07) [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The Mundell-Fleming model]: Mundell-Fleming model
- Question 1 (08) [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Domestic and foreign assets]: Saving, real investment and change in net foreign assets - $s^\To = I + \Delta z^{\Ho\Fo}$
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $Y^E$ = GNE, $Y^P$ = GDP, GNI, $Y$ = GNDI
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model - two or more periods
- [Omitted topics - Preliminary concepts]: Matrix inversion
- Question 1 (09) [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Average return
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Nominal versus real return: $1+r = \frac{1+R}{1+\pi}$
- Question 1 (10) [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The Mundell-Fleming model]: Mundell-Fleming model
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The monetary model with fixed prices (exchange rate overshooting)]: Monetary model with fixed prices
- Exam - 2008-2009 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 (01) [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: $ln(1+a) \approx a$
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Nominal versus real return: $1+r = \frac{1+R}{1+\pi}$
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- Question 1 (02) [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The Mundell-Fleming model]: Mundell-Fleming model
- Question 1 (03) [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- Question 1 (04) [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 6
- Question 1 (05) [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP structure
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- Question 1 (06) [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The Mundell-Fleming model]: Mundell-Fleming model
- Question 1 (07) [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Money creation - open market operations, money supply, bond demand, bond price, bond return, interest rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - A unified currency flow model]: Monetary model and currency flow model combined
- [Exchange rate regimes - Classification of exchange rate regimes]: Exchange rate regimes
- Question 1 (08) [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Nominal versus real return: $1+r = \frac{1+R}{1+\pi}$
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Budget deficit and public debt
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Current account data
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- Question 1 (09) [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- Question 1 (10) [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The Mundell-Fleming model]: Mundell-Fleming model
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: Real exchange rate
- Exam - 2009-2010 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 (01) [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- Question 1 (02) [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The Mundell-Fleming model]: Mundell-Fleming model
- Question 1 (03) [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: Real exchange rate
- Question 1 (04) [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- Question 1 (05) [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Leverage
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model - two or more periods
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- Exam - 2010-2011 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 (01) [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Stocks and flows
- Question 1 (02) [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Return on shares
- Question 1 (03) [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Return on shares
- Question 1 (04) [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The portfolio balance model]: Portfolio balance model
- Question 1 (05) [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Definitions, identities, stock-flow equations and theoretical hypotheses
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model - two or more periods
- Exam - 2011-2012 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Maastricht criteria
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: International investment
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- Exam - 2012-2013 - International economics (1)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - introduction
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: Real exchange rate
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 6
- Exam - 2012-2013 - International economics (2)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- Question 2 a [↑] [top]
- [Resources, comparative advantage and income distribution - Resources, comparative advantage and income distribution]: ---
- Question 2 b [↑] [top]
- [Resources, comparative advantage and income distribution - Resources, comparative advantage and income distribution]: ---
- Question 2 c [↑] [top]
- [International factor movements - International factor movements]: Migration
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The real exchange rate - The purchasing power parity fallacy]: PPP fallacy
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Structural and reduced forms
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP structure
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- Exam - 2013-2014 - International economics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - introduction
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: External economies of scale
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: Real exchange rate
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: PPP
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - causes
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 8
- Exam - 2013-2014 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Omitted topics - The monetary model with fixed prices (exchange rate overshooting)]: Monetary model with fixed prices
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Gains from globalization
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Maastricht criteria
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Real and financial assets
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Return versus risk (asset price adjustments)
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Cumulative return, rule of 72
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 9
- Exam - 2014-2015 - International economics (part on international macroeconomics)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $Y^E$ = GNE, $Y^P$ = GDP, GNI, $Y$ = GNDI
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: C, I, G, TB, NFIA, NUT, CA
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $\CA = \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$ (identity used until January 2022: $\CA = - \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$, note the minus sign)
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Consumption smoothing
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach - consumption smoothing and CA
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Exam - 2015-2016 - International economics (part on international macroeconomics)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $\CA = \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$ (identity used until January 2022: $\CA = - \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$, note the minus sign)
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Cumulative return, rule of 72
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- [The real exchange rate - The purchasing power parity fallacy]: PPP fallacy
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach - consumption smoothing and CA
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: int_macro_ps - question 2 c - Intertemporal approach with investment
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Maastricht criteria
- Exam - 2016-2017 - International economics (part on international macroeconomics)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: C, I, G, TB, NFIA, NUT, CA
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: C, I, G, TB, NFIA, NUT, CA
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Sum of geometric series - $\sum_{i=0}^\m a^i = \frac{1-a^{m+1}}{1-a}$
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Sum of geometric series - $\sum_{i=0}^\infty a^i = \frac{1}{1-a}$
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Gains from globalization
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Maastricht criteria
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - causes
- Exam - 2017-2018 - International economics (part on international macroeconomics)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Stocks and flows
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Real and financial assets
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BOP: CA + KA + EO = FA (identity used until January 2022: CA + KA + FA + EO = 0)
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP structure
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- [The real exchange rate - The purchasing power parity fallacy]: PPP fallacy - good market arbitrage does not contribute to real exchange rate convergence
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - The international investment position]: Net international investment position (NIIP), net foreign assets (NFA), net external wealth (NEW)
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Gains from globalization
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: Real exchange rate
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: PPP
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - causes
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- Exam - 2018-2019 - International economics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 - Peru [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Logarithmic function
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Nominal exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currencies' purchasing powers]: Nominal exchange rate - model based on currencies' purchasing powers ("basic NER model")
- [Balance of payments crises - Preliminary concepts]: Financial crises - definition and examples
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - introduction
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $\CA = \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$ (identity used until January 2022: $\CA = - \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$, note the minus sign)
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Exam - 2018-2019 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 - Turkey [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Logarithmic function
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Nominal exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currencies' purchasing powers]: Nominal exchange rate - model based on currencies' purchasing powers ("basic NER model")
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- [The real exchange rate - The purchasing power parity fallacy]: PPP fallacy
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach to the current account (simple model)
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: int_macro_ps - question 2 c - Intertemporal approach with investment
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Leverage
- [Balance of payments crises - The global financial crisis of 2008]: Leverage in the global financial crisis
- Exam - 2019-2020 - International economics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 - China, Germany, Spain or United States [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $Y^E$ = GNE, $Y^P$ = GDP, GNI, $Y$ = GNDI
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- [Wealth - Domestic and foreign assets]: Wealth, real wealth and NFA - $w^\Ho = K^\Ho + z^{\Ho\Fo}$
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $\CA = \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$ (identity used until January 2022: $\CA = - \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$, note the minus sign)
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach to the current account (simple model)
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - introduction
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach to the current account (simple model)
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Exam - 2019-2020 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 - Korea, Mexico, Spain, United States [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Current account data
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Leverage
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Leverage coefficient
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- [The real exchange rate - The purchasing power parity fallacy]: PPP fallacy
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Long and short positions
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real interest rate - $r_t = R_t - \pi_{t+1}$
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Exam - 2020-2021 - International economics (course 16693)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 - Brazil - 1980-1982 and 1998-1999 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - A unified currency flow model]: Monetary model and currency flow model combined
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary and exchange rate policy
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 10
- [The nominal exchange rate - A unified currency flow model]: Monetary model and currency flow model combined
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Gravitiy model
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BOP: CA + KA + EO = FA (identity used until January 2022: CA + KA + FA + EO = 0)
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Benefits from trade - numerical examples
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Ricardian model - PPF and ConsPF (= budget constraint)
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 7
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 9
- Exam - 2020-2021 - International economics (course 16762)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 - China [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Monetary and exchange rate policy
- [Wealth - Domestic and foreign assets]: Wealth, real wealth and NFA - $w^\Ho = K^\Ho + z^{\Ho\Fo}$
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $\CA = \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$ (identity used until January 2022: $\CA = - \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$, note the minus sign)
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: Real exchange rate
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Log-differencing
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Quantity theory of money
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - introduction
- Exam - 2020-2021 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 - China [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currencies' purchasing powers]: Nominal exchange rate - model based on currencies' purchasing powers ("basic NER model")
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BOP: CA + KA + EO = FA (identity used until January 2022: CA + KA + FA + EO = 0)
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP structure
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $z = e + b + m + b_{CB}$
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Stocks and flows
- [Wealth - Asset returns and asset prices]: Cumulative return, rule of 72
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- [The real exchange rate - The purchasing power parity fallacy]: PPP fallacy
- [Exchange rate regimes - Classification of exchange rate regimes]: Exchange rate regimes
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach to the current account (simple model)
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach - Lagrange method
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Commercial bank balance sheets
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Central bank balance sheet
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Money creation
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Monetary and exchange rate policy
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Leverage coefficient
- Exam - 2021-2022 - Economía internacional (course 16693)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Logarithmic function
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- [The real exchange rate - Purchasing power parity]: Empirical evidence on purchasing power parity (PPP puzzle)
- [The real exchange rate - The purchasing power parity fallacy]: PPP fallacy - price level convergence and nominal exchange rate divergence
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Utility functions, marginal utility and indifference curves
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Gains from trade: PPF, budget constraint and exchange
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP structure
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currencies' purchasing powers]: Nominal exchange rate - model based on currencies' purchasing powers ("basic NER model")
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: Real exchange rate
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: int_macro_ps - question 4 - Big Mac index
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Gravitiy model
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary and exchange rate policy
- Exam - 2021-2022 - International economics (course 16762)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Log-differencing
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- Question 2 - Japan [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 5
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BOP: CA + KA + EO = FA (identity used until January 2022: CA + KA + FA + EO = 0)
- [The balance of payments in economics - The four main categories of the balance of payments]: $\CA = \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$ (identity used until January 2022: $\CA = - \FA = \Delta (e + b + m + b_{CB})$, note the minus sign)
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Benefits from trade - numerical examples
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Ricardian model with diagram
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [Introduction to international trade - Introduction to international trade]: Gravitiy model
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: Log-differencing
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Purchasing power parity
- [Exchange rate regimes - Classification of exchange rate regimes]: Exchange rate regimes
- Exam - 2021-2022 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach to the current account (simple model)
- [Balance of payments crises - Preliminary concepts]: Financial crises - definition and examples
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Balance sheets of different agents (see "International macroeconomics - collection of balance sheets and economic formulas")
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Commercial bank balance sheets
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Money creation
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Monetary and exchange rate policy
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Money creation - open market operations, money supply, bond demand, bond price, bond return, interest rate
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - net money inflow under flexible and fixed exchange rates, managed float
- [Exchange rate regimes - Classification of exchange rate regimes]: Exchange rate regimes
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Structural and reduced forms
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Domestic and foreign assets]: Saving, real investment and change in net foreign assets - $s^\To = I + \Delta z^{\Ho\Fo}$
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $Y^E$ = GNE, $Y^P$ = GDP, GNI, $Y$ = GNDI
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: C, I, G, TB, NFIA, NUT, CA
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: $\CA = s^\To - I$
- Exam - 2022-2023 - Economía internacional (course 16693)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - The international investment position]: Net international investment position (NIIP), net foreign assets (NFA), net external wealth (NEW)
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - Purchasing power parity]: Balassa-Samuelson effect - the role of traded and non-traded good prices (Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis)
- [The real exchange rate - Purchasing power parity]: Balassa-Samuelson effect - the role of currency market pressure
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Monopolistic competition
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - model
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- Exam - 2022-2023 - International economics (course 16762)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - causes
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - introduction
- [Balance of payments crises - Preliminary concepts]: Financial crises - definition and examples
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [International factor movements - International factor movements]: International borrowing and lending
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Real and financial assets
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- [Balance of payments accounting - National income accounting and the balance of payments]: C, I, G, TB, NFIA, NUT, CA
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Monetary and exchange rate policy
- [The real exchange rate - The purchasing power parity fallacy]: PPP fallacy
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises
- Exam - 2022-2023 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - causes
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach to the current account (simple model)
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach - consumption smoothing and CA
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Commercial bank balance sheets
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of international investment]: Leverage coefficient
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [International macroeconomics - introduction - Exchange rates - introduction]: Purchasing powers of currencies (PP)
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Nominal exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Real exchange rate
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Comparative statics
- [The nominal exchange rate - The monetary model with flexible prices]: Monetary model with flexible prices
- Exam - 2023-2024 - International economics (course 16762)
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 a [↑] [top]
- [Exchange rate regimes - Classification of exchange rate regimes]: Exchange rate regimes
- Question 1 b-d [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Nominal exchange rate country risk premium, currency risk premium
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Uncovered interest parity (UIP) and covered interest parity (CIP)
- [The nominal exchange rate - Preliminary concepts]: Covered interest parity (CIP)
- Question 1 e [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments crises - Currency crises]: Currency crises - empirical evidence
- Question 1 f [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Preliminary concepts]: $ln(1+a) \approx a$
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions
- Question 3 a [↑] [top]
- [Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model - Labour productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model]: Comparative advantage
- Question 3 b [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - Preliminary concepts]: Definitions, identities, stock-flow equations and theoretical hypotheses
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade - Economies of scale, imperfect competition and international trade]: Economies of scale - model
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 5
- Exam - 2023-2024 - International macroeconomics
[↑] [top]
- Question 1 - China - a [↑] [top]
- [International macroeconomics - introduction - Exchange rates - introduction]: Real exchange rate
- Question 1 - China - b-c [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: Real exchange rate
- Question 1 - China - d-e [↑] [top]
- [The real exchange rate - The Big Mac index]: PPP
- Question 1 - China - f [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Empirical evidence]: Individual countries - balance of payments - empirical evidence
- Question 1 - China - g [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model
- Question 1 - China - h [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currency flows]: Currency flow model - case 10
- Question 2 [↑] [top]
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach to the current account (simple model)
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Consumption smoothing
- [The balance of payments in economics - A model of the current account]: Intertemporal approach - consumption smoothing and CA
- Question 3 [↑] [top]
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currencies' purchasing powers]: Nominal exchange rate - model based on currencies' purchasing powers ("basic NER model") - derivation based on consumer's utility maximization
- [The nominal exchange rate - Model based on currencies' purchasing powers]: Nominal exchange rate - model based on currencies' marginal utilities - derivation based on consumer's utility maximization
- Question 4 [↑] [top]
- [Wealth - Real and financial assets]: Consolidated balance sheets of H and F (see "International macroeconomics - collection of balance sheets and economic formulas")
- Question 5 [↑] [top]
- [Balance of payments accounting - Balance of payments statistics]: BoP transactions